Wednesday, May 6th, 2009
Well we made it. We are here. Yesterday was an exhausting day, we had to say goodbye to many of our friends at CHEO. Jacob seemed ok and said his goodbyes. Today however, was a different story. We woke up early and leftbehind our empty room without seeing anyone but Jacob was very sad. Cried in the car as we drove away and was very quiet for the first half of the trip. You could see the sadness in his eyes and he did everything to hold back his tears...i told him it was ok to he did.
Our arrival to Ste-Justine was a good one. They were expecting us and knew all about Jacob. We met with the oncologist that will be following him and they asked us everything about him which is what Jason and I wanted. We want to as much as possible unchange Jacob's routine. They were very receptive. They recognize that we have been in hospital for so long that this isn't knew for us or for Jacob. It took 4 hours before his room was ready but they made us very comfortable. Our nurse this evening is one of the nurses we had back in december who had given Jacob a he was very happy about that. Its was a good start.
Tonight however, I am sad to report that after settling in his beautiful room Jacob started vomiting quite a high volume of blood. Not sure where it came from, not sure why. The vomiting never stopped but the blood is something we haven't seen in a while. He kept it up for a good hour if not more, I lost track of time. His blood pressure is over the roof and his heart rate is at its highest we've seen in a long time. I don't know why this is happening but we felt so good coming into this today. I hope this is just a one time thing...perhaps the overwhelming day? although that doens't explain the blood.
I am with my darling Jacob tonight. Jason and sweet Liam have gone to the apartment tonight. Its daddy's first night with Liam, i hope it goes well.
Chemo starts monday. this is it...there's no looking back now.
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